Thursday, November 12, 2009

Time for Class...

So I have been taking online courses for about a year now but this year I decided to physically take a class on campus. My first day was awesome! It has been YEARS since I have sat in a desk and I was l-o-v-i-n-g it!! My teacher is super cool and she doesnt care if you come to class or not as long as you take the tests. Well that was really not something she should have said! I have now missed more classes than I have gone to. Thursday mornings I wake up saying, Ok ARE going to class tonight but then by the time I get home I always find some reason or another as to why I cant make it. But here is the thing...Im most defintiely a visional learner and daydream way too much to listen to someone talk in a classroom. I find myself thinking about the most random things while shes talking! I try really hard to focus and listen to her but no matter what I try within ten minutes im once again thinking about something else! So going to class really doesnt do me any good! From now on unless Its a class that I absolutely have to physically go to, im only doing online courses! If only they offered Public Speaking online.....I am d-r-e-a-d-i-n-g this class! This is actually one of the many reasons I didnt go to college right out of highschool! Im a Horrible public speaker! I mean Horrible!!! I start to talk really really fast and mumble and ugh its just a wreck! But go figure, they dont offer this class online! Oh the torture!!

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